SEDARVP-GHANA hold inclusion on stage second local event workshop which took place on Thursday 06th January, 2022 in Tamale at Tamale Technical University Auditorium. The program started exactly 9:00AM-1:00PM, and brought together 32 participants from different institutions and mother organizations. The Inclusion on Stage local workshop was spearheaded by 2 trainer’s including mentors, youth workers, youth leaders and local stakeholders from different cultural backgrounds. The training workshop aimed at improving the quality of non-formal learning mobility programmes and strengthening their impact on young people’s employability through equipping youth workers and youth leaders with ICT tools, skills and competence. It was also geared towards promoting interculturality and youth idea generation. The workshop was also scheduled for Question and Answer session, where participants were given chance to asked questions about the Erasmus Plus projects which Sedarvp-ghana is Partnership with. Participated inquiries about the opportunities involve in ErasmusPlus and how to benefit from the project.

Participants were divided into groups, where they were task to used physical theater in communicating among themselves. Most participants felt the workshops provided them with new competencies and skills in their daily activities including voluntary work, local events, and school work among other initiatives and for future use.
ERASMUSPlus. YouthMobility