My name is Luna Wenning,

My name is Luna Wenning, and I’m 18 years old. I’m living in Denmark. I would like to share with you my experience with SEDARVP GHANA. In November 2015, I participated to an international project in Ghana. 4 countries were involved: Ghana, Togo, Denmark and Romania. I was part of the Danish team. This project was big for me because i had never been to Africa, but always wanted to go. Also the project was very exciting, meeting so many different people from different places in the world. Abukari Shaibu Niendow was amazing, always there to help with any kind of trouble and just a very nice person. SEDARVP really made me feel at home in Ghana. I really want, someday, to go back and be a volunteer for SEDARVP GHANA association. I can only recommend everyone to go, get an experience for a life time with SEDARVP.

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